The program includes four training modules specified in the following way
››› Module 1: Quantitative Techniques
››› Module 2: Economic Theory and Climate Change
››› Module 3: Resources Economics and Climate Change
››› Module 4: Cross-cutting Module
Module 1: Quantitative Techniques
››› Mathematics
››› Econometrics
››› Data Mining
Module 2: Economic Theory and Climate Change
››› Macroeconomics
››› Microeconomics
Module 3: Resources Economics and Climate Change
››› Environment and Sustainable Development
››› Theory of Environmental Policies
››› Introduction to the biophysics of Climate Change
››› BioEconomics and Green growth
››› Environmental Accounting and footprints
››› Integrated approaches to Climate Change and Economic Modeling
››› International Trade and the Environment
››› Economy and Finance of Climate Change
››› Environment and Health
››› Collective Action and Environmental Management
››› Environmental Estimating and Evaluating Techniques
Module 4: Cross-cutting Module
››› Communication Skills
››› Research Methodology
››› Geographic Information Systems