these premiere promo
Thèse de Doctorat Premiere Promo
DIARRA AICHATOUCLIMATE CHANGE AND FOOD SECURITY IN CENTRAL MALI: A DYNAMIC AND STOCHASTIC BIOECONOMIC FARM MODEL African farmers need to better adapt to climate variability. Many of them underwent a terrible famine in the seventies and still face food insecurity. In this study we aim to investigate the situation of Malian farmers of the Cinzana commune where there has been little socio-economic improvement since Independence. Download |
Thomas Yameogo BindayaobaCapital Social et Stratégies d’Adaptation des Agriculteurs aux changements Climatiques : Cas du Burkina Faso Farmers in Burkina Faso are highly vulnerable to climate change, as their livelihoods are greatly linked to climate hazards. The adaptation of farmers to climate change is therefore an important issue that requires proper attention. Increasingly, in addition to human and physical capital, social capital is acknowledged to be of critical importance in farmers’ decision-making. Download |
Raymond JattaHedging Climate and Food Price Volatility: Evaluating the Impact of Cereal Banking on Food and Livelihood Security of Rural Communities in The Gambia. Import-dependent developing countries like The Gambia are particularly vulnerable to food and nutrition insecurity caused by rainfall and price volatility. This is due to the increasing frequency and severity of climate and market shocks, dependence on imports and low adaptive capacity to cope with shocks. Download |
ELHADJI IRO ILLAIntegrated assessment of vulnerability of rural households to climate stress across regional levels in Niger Rural communities in Niger entirely rely on natural resources and have no other option but to smoothing their livelihoods against climate change related knock-on effects. In the context of unpredictable environmental pattern, these communities are subject to increasingly greater adverse climate exposure and sensitivity. These communities have a lower adaptive capacity, hence, falling into permanent vulnerability. In order to support policy implication and rural development efforts, the objective of this paper aims at analyzing the vulnerability of rural households to climate stress. Download |
John AppahPsycho-socioeconomic analysis of rural farm communities’ risk perception and adaptive behavioural responses to climate change and variability in the Atankwidi River Basin of Northern Ghana Recent efforts to facilitate private climate change adaptation have not been effective due to their exclusive consideration of socioeconomic or contextual factors as the drivers of adaptive behaviour. A growing body of research suggests that psychological factors in addition to socioeconomic variables must be considered to better explain the adaptive actions by individuals. The main objective of this study is to analyse how climate change and variability-induced water stress affect the perceptions and adaptive behaviours of rural farmers in Ghana. Download |
KHADY YAMA SARRA general equilibrium analysis of the impact of climate change on food crop production and prices in Senegal The Senegalese agricultural sector shows low production level over the last decades. This study assesses the impact of climate change on crop production and price levels in Senegal and also tests policies instruments through a national static computable general equilibrium (CGE) model. Our main results show that the local impacts of climate change (through declining yields) are likely to affect Senegal beyond the agricultural sector and farmers. Download |
Boris Odilon Kounagbè LokononFarmers and communities vulnerability and resilience to climate shocks and adaptation policy responses in the Niger basin of Benin This study aims to answer the question: How are households and communities in the Niger basin of Benin vulnerable and resilient to climate shocks and what will their adaptation policy responses be? The analysis of the impacts of climate shocks is done through a recursive, dynamic mathematical programming model that represents the economic decisions of the eight types of farmers found in the basin. Download |
PILO MikeminaCOLLECTIVE ACTION AND FARMERS’ PRIVATE CLIMATE CHANGE ADAPTATION STRATEGIES IN THE SAVANNA REGION IN TOGO This study has two main objectives. The first main objective is to analyse the role of collective action and other factors on farmers’ adaptive behaviour. In addition to determining the impact of collective action on the propensity of farm households to adopt a specific adaptation measure, this study goes further to assess the impact of adaptation on farm income. Download |