These deuxieme promo

 Thèse de Doctorat Deuxieme Promo


Adoption de l'agriculture intelligente à Tandjoare - Togo comme option d'atténuation des changements climatiques: Une étude de cas du labour de conservation

Greenhouse gases concentration increased significantly over the last decades causing a change in climate. IPCC (2014) reported that the emission of carbon dioxide in the last four decades (1970-2010) is equal to the carbon dioxide emission in the centuries 1750-1970 and the emission growth rate has increased from 1.3% per year between 1970 and 2000 to 2.2% between 2000 and 2010. Download


Amadou Binta BA

Climate change and Sustainable Intensification in Senegal: A Case Study of the Organic vegetable Farming System in the Niayes Region

Climate change is one of the most important issues that the world is currently facing. The concept of “Sustainable Intensification (SI)” in agriculture has recently emerged and is becoming a common term much used in discussions around the future of agriculture and food production in the face of climate change. The sustainable intensification is considered as an approach that entails increasing food production from existing farmland in ways that have lower environmental impact and do not undermine food production in the future. Download



Estimating the Impact and Spillover Effects of Climate Change on Crop Yield in Northern Ghana

In tropical regions of the world human-induced climate change is likely to impact negatively on crop yields. To investigate the impact of climate change and its spillover effect on mean and variance of crop yields in northern Ghana, the Just and Pope stochastic production function and the Spatial Durbin model were adopted. Surprisingly, the results suggest that both precipitation and average temperature have positive effects on mean crop yield during the wet season. Download


Awolala, David Olufemi

Extreme Weather Events and Market-based Adaptation: Modelling the Potential Viability of Rainfall Index Insurance in Central-West Nigeria

On a global scale, in the past 20 years, the failure of climate change mitigation and adaptation has risen to the top of the most impactful risks for the next decade, ahead of water crises ranking third. Global risks remain a serious development concern because of their combined profound impact and likelihood involves some economic risks, food security risks, and the climate-water nexus. The changing climate and weather patterns could jeopardize food security and agricultural production across geographies, presenting enormous threats to the foodbaskets of the world and most climatevulnerable countries that are heavily depend on agricultural productivity to sustain economic growth and development. Download


Kouame Bossombra

Reforestation and Climate Mitigation in Côte d’Ivoire: A Cost Benefit Analysis of the Bouaflé Protected Forest

Forests play a key role in the environmental balance and act as a livelihood provider for people especially for the surrounding population. Côte d'Ivoire located in West Africa, has a high level of biodiversity, mainly on forested land. Like other countries of this region, Côte d’Ivoire has suffered severe deforestation since the 60s. However, deforestation and forest degradation release Greenhouse Gases into the atmosphere which contributes to Climate Change. In order to reduce deforestation, many actions are taken globally and locally. Download


Abraham, Terfa Williams

Can Financial Innovation Mitigate Adverse Effect of Climate Change on Rural Household Income? Evidence from Northern Nigeria

Most households in Rural Northern Nigeria are engaged in farming hence exposed to the vagaries of Climate Change. Their continued lack of access to financial resources, however, limits their capacity to adapt. This study examines the effect of financial innovative strategies (access to formal credit, traditional crop insurance and farmers’ savings clubs) as a recipe for Climate Change Adaptation on rural farm households distributed along income quintiles in rural Northern Nigeria. Evidence from the 320 questionnaires administered in two rural communities (Rijau and Fakai) was analyzed using descriptive methods and ordered logit regression model. Download


Tiertou Edwige SOME


Climate changes talks regularly underline that developing countries’ agriculture could play a stronger role in greenhouse gases (GHG) mitigation strategies and benefit from market internalization of emission reductions or subsidies from the Kyoto Protocol program of subsidies. Agriculture can contribute to carbon mitigation by storing more carbon in the soil through greener cropping systems, by planting perennials and by raising livestock differently. In this context, a growing number of researchers have started to investigate how developing countries can contribute to these objectives. Download



Résilience des Ménages à l’Insécurité Alimentaire et Stratégies d’Adaptation aux Changements Climatiques au Niger

Niger is a landlocked country where rainfall is characterised by high inter-annual and spacetime variability. It faces many natural and human constraints that explain the erratic evolution of its agricultural production. In addition, since signing the African Union Maputo Declaration of 2003 of keeping expenditure on agriculture to at least 10% of the national budget, Niger has surpassed this share, however, the problem of food security still lingers. Hence our research topic: Households’ Resilience to Food Insecurity and Adaptation Strategies to Climate Change in Niger. Download


Impact of Floods on the Livelihoods of Farmers in the Context of Forest degradation and Climate change: Case Study of Benin Republic

Climate Change is likely to affect temporal and spatial patterns of moisture delivery and the physical form and quantity of moisture delivered over a given period of time. These changing patterns will probably lead to more frequent (and possibly more extreme) droughts and floods (IPCC, 2014). The main objective is to assess, at the household level, the effect of the 2012 flooding on the livelihoods of farmers. The study was conducted in this semi­arid zone, within the Benin’s part of Niger hydrologic basin. Download


Ahmadou Hamady Dicko
The economics of African animal Trypanosomosis control under climate change

In West Africa, millions of agro-pastoral households rely on livestock as their primary source of income. However, most of these populations are at risk of livestock diseases which represent one of the most serious threats for livestock production. Trypanosomosis, transmitted by tsetse flies, remains the most important pathological constraint to livestock production and intensification in the 10,000 km2 infested by these vectors, including the sub-humid area of West-Africa (Van den Bossche et al. 2010). Download


